I returned from my technical visit today and it was by far the highlight of training to this point. I spent a week at a volunteer’s community near Los Chiles in northern Costa Rica. Her town is typical campo; small rural and wonderful. A town with all the necessities, a school, health center that’s open a couple days out of the month, one payphone, and 2 extremely small stores called pulperias. I stayed with a mother named Yorlone, Farther named Ruiz and their three year old named Olsvaldo. The majority of production that takes place there is cheese, yucca, and pineapple, along with other fruits and vegetables. As I look back on the week, I don’t think it could have gone better.
The first morning I was awaken by the very strange and unmistakable sound of the Mono Congos around 5:00am, having been informed that there were Holler Monkey in the area I did what any person who had never seen a monkey in the wild before would; I went searching. And to my surprise with less than a 5 min walk I was right underneath a tree with 5 monkeys. (You should be able to see some pics) I also got the experience of milking cows, which if you haven’t done; it takes practice, making cheese, teaching English, practicing Spanish at the local school and giving self esteem / non-violence talks at the school as well. There’s only one small elementary school in the community. Kelsey the volunteer has helped bring a night high school to town twice a week but this is still a new concept of theirs. Most kids don’t go to school after 6 grade, which is quite sad. I also passed time by riding horses, swimming in the river, and jumping from vines into the river. It was amazing, and the last night after a tour of the jungle like atmosphere, the townspeople were nice enough to have a special dinner with carne asada that they got from a cow who conveniently for us died last week, lol. My family was super nice to me and saying good bye was hard for them, minus their volunteer, I was probably the second American they have gotten to know; that’s how rural this place is.
I know that my positive experience in her community is a reflection of the work and help she has put in. I only hope to have as well as relationships in my town that she enjoys in her community. This experience couldn’t have come at a better time. As some of you know the 29th was the 7th year anniversary of my brothers passing. It is a day that no matter how much time passes or where I am in my life; I remember and dislike. Usually, I am somewhere where I can have a beer with family and or friends, and even if we don’t talk about that day, it helps. This year was different, but not in a bad way, I might not have been with family but I was in a truly beautiful place to do some remembering as well as some good reflecting about my upcoming 2 years as a PeaceCorps Volunteer which leads to this Friday the 8th of May; my sight-assignment day; where I will learn exactly where I will be calling home for the next 2 years. Its crazy to think about, but I can’t wait. To celebrate sight assignment day, we rented a huge house with a pool this Saturday at Jaco Beach, which should be a kick ass time in itself, lol. Well until then, peace!
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